the tiki bar showerbelieve it or not we have an original
tiki bar from the 60's in our backyard. (i am not proud of this fact) but it works in our little funky beach community. so, embrace what you can't change. the funky
tiki bar set the tone for lava drinks and worked with the
vegas wedding the couple was having.
here are some other ideas inspired by some common objects.
copyright©the kitchen shower invitationthis invitation was inspired by the client who wanted the guests to bring a jar of spice to the shower. (cute idea) so, taking the simple pepper shaker i created a logo for the couple along with a recipe card for the guests to bring their favorite recipes.
copyright© the retro flamingothis shower invitation, was inspired by a napkin. the fun retro colors and type make a light and fun feel. so look for cool napkins and expand your creativity