Thursday, March 26, 2009

protect, defend and love til'....

marie and court are a beautiful couple who both defend and protect as peace officers. so i loved their choice of colors.... navy and silver. clean and crisp and classy was the feel. a small clear crystal was placed on a swirl to add a bit of glam.

(i have such a soft spot in my heart for all those who defend us...shout out to my brother davey and my uncle bino!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

custom leaf it!

today i found another fabulous example of extraordinary from ordinary. jenny leefowler at etsy does these creative and lovely custom portrait silhouettes. check them out:

what a great wedding gift! get the bride and groom done and have it mounted on a museum board.

happy wednesday everyone!

i am especially excited to have the midweek hump over with, cause "mr. l" comes back soon from visiting our son in australia! whoo hoo!