three things from this weekend...
first...a perfect celebration of life,
my heart goes out to the entire fruhling family, for the passing of jan, a woman full of God's grace and love.
"during her final battle with cancer, jan agreed with paul, "for me to live is Christ, to die is gain" Philippians 1:21
second.... a perfect celebration of a marriage,
kristin and dimitri had a perfect day to celebrate. a perfect, a truly perfect couple. what a blessing to take part in this day. (loved the greek dancing dimitri!) they are off to greece and paris...then medical school in george town! such an adventure in store! congratulations.
Third...a perfect celebration of service,
this Memorial Day i am remembering those who served our country and gave their lives to defend ours. thank you.
Amen! Amen!! and Amen!!!
love you, L
wow, what amazing beautiful artistry, i hope one day i have an occasion to use this site or pass it along..
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